Little Merlin and The Old Dragon
by Sheila Evelyn Murphy
This is a book about friendship and trust, as well as believing in and caring for each other. It is the first in a series of Little Merlin™ books.
It is Also About Magic!!

Little Merlin is an easy-going, caring, magical Wizard who is always ready to give a little practical magic when there are problems that need solving.
He calls upon his friends to support him as he transforms everything with the help of Hat, who lives in an old pair of boots; Orb, who sparkles in the sun and moans when it rains; and Wand, who has a very casual lifestyle and is absorbed by ancient scrolls and books. He often falls asleep because his brain needs a rest!
Old Dragon drops in to see Little Merlin every year to receive his WISH, and as he grows older and more decrepit, it is clear that he desperately needs help.
Little Merlin has a big heart and recognizes that his old friend really needs to have his wish come true. He speaks the magic words, and the magic begins!
Mums, dads, and grandparents love to read this story, especially at bedtime, to children from three years old. It is also perfect for older children to read by themselves. Everyone loves to follow the magic in the pictures, lovingly and carefully drawn by the Author, Sheila Evelyn Murphy.
This book is a gentle, comforting story for children to open their imagination and take delight in the hand-colored illustrations that fill in the background story of the world of Little Merlin.
About the Author and Illustrator

Sheila Evelyn Murphy is a writer and artist who lives in Cheshire, England, where she is visited often by her children and grandchildren.
She believes in Magic, especially the sparkly, slightly fizzy kind…………..and loves rainbows!!
In her house are a dressing-up box, a magical staff, and a sword covered in jewels (which she found in the back of the wardrobe when she arrived.)
Learn More, and Get FREE Downloadable Coloring Pages at Sheila's BEAUTIFUL Website: