A Recovery Book on Overcoming Trauma Bonding as a Result of Narcissistic Abuse and Complex PTSD:
Recovery is Not a Destination; It's A Journey of Healing
by Kim Popovich
The book is a comprehensive guide to healing from the devastating effects of Narcissistic abuse and Complex PTSD, with a focus on trauma bonding. Trauma bonding is a type of attachment that forms between the victim and the abuser. It is a powerful psychological phenomenon that can make it difficult for victims to leave abusive relationships. This book provides a way to overcome trauma bonding with emphasis on using the 12 Steps of Recovery and Self Care as a way to overcome trauma bonding.
The book is aimed at anyone who has experienced narcissistic abuse and is struggling to to break a trauma bond in order to heal and move forward. The purpose of this book is to identify and define the characteristics of Trauma Bondingas a result of Narcissistic Abuse and Complex PTSD. Many survivors of abuse haven't identified that they are in a cycle of perpetual abuse. Survivors of this abuse usually get stuck in the repetitive patterns and don't recognize how to escape an unhealthy situation. Many survivors of abuse were never role modeled a healthy relationship and therefore don't actually identify that their relationship is unhealthy. This is quite common with sufferers of Complex PTSD.This is a recovery book to provide knowledge and guidance to individuals who are trauma bonded and in an unhealthy relationship, but don't have the guidance, support and means to escape. It will outline the characteristics and behavior patterns of both Narcissism and Complex PTSD. . It will also provide various tactics that the narcissist will use in order to manipulate and control their victim. The book will also help the reader to understand the dynamics behind the Trauma Bond, so that the abuse can be identified and dealt with. The intense, powerful Trauma bond is formed by an attachment to the abuser that is quite often characterized by : feelings of loyalty, affection, and even love towards the abuser. The trauma bond actually keeps the victim and abuser in the co-dependent relationship as a form of addiction.

It defines why people stay in abusive relationships. The bond becomes the addiction, and the cycle of abuse repeats. The relationship actually becomes the addiction. Because of the Complex PTSD and Narcissistic Abuse, the victim will quite often mistake Love for Abuse. The victim might feel isolated and cut off from the world as a result of recoiling from the abuse.
This book will provide survivors with a comprehensive understanding of the symptoms of a Trauma Bond along with several methods of healing to empower the victim and break the patterns of abuse. As a solution, the 12-Step Recovery Program will be described and discussed, along with several other modalities of healing. The recovery approach stresses a format that allows survivors to Feel, Deal, and Heal. This encourages the victims of abuse to allow a spiritual program of recovery into their lives and to build a support system of friends, counselors, and advisors who will guide the survivors on their path to recovery. Once on the path to recovery, the victims of abuse can reclaim their personal power and lead a more healthy, balance life. Recovery is the journey, not the destination.